
It’s collateral to grow your business

The Neely's recommend The Podcast Factory

Brandon & Amanda

Grandma's Wealth Wisdom

We've seen our numbers increase [becuase] we are leveraging this asset to educate our clients.

“A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.”

- Henry Ford

I know I’m not sharing any earth-shattering secret here, but the goal of any successful business
is NOT simply just to make money.

Ask any of our podcasters.

They’ll tell you …

They started their businesses because they recognized a problem and saw an opportunity to create value and improve people’s lives by solving that problem. Money’s just the scoreboard.

I mean, that’s you, too, right?

But let me ask you this … Have you ever stopped to think about what you sacrifice in order to
educate, convince and, ultimately, serve your customers?

You give up time with your family ... miss gatherings with friends … skip days at the gym, all to
help other people solve their problems ...


What you need is a structure and a system to help you build authority, establish your brand in
your prospect’s minds, and reach them with relevant, valuable messages when they are ready to hear them.

That’s what we helped Brandon and Amanda accomplish with their Grandma’s Wealth Wisdom

Brandon and Amanda’s business was changing.

They sold their coffee shop and saw an opportunity to help people gain control of their finances using some of the wealth wisdom they had learned from a mentor while running their cafe.

They already had podcasting experience and saw a podcast as a great medium to share their
message with potential clients.

But Amanda was the one doing all of the audio recording and editing, writing show notes, adding the album art and uploading the show everywhere. She knew every second she spent doing that was a second too long spent away from their newborn son, who she had right after they sold their coffee business.

She wasn’t willing to sacrifice that time with her son.

So Brandon and Amanda reached out to The Podcast Factory.

But I found a whole lot more than just reclaiming my time as we started working together,”
says Amanda.

Even just besides the editing, getting it out there, getting the marketing and branding,” added

I think we've seen our numbers increase, not necessarily because iTunes is saying, ‘Oh, look at these guys,’ but we are leveraging that asset to educate our clients. 

It's collateral... to grow your business.”



And it doesn’t take hours of your time away from the important people and experiences in your

We do it all for you, even down to helping you come ups with ideas for effective content. No
other podcasting service does what we do to save you your precious time – time you’ll never be
able to get back.

So stop sacrificing your time and let us help!

Book a call with us today.

We’d love to show you how we can help http://ThePodcastFactory.com/DIFM

And if you’d like to hear more from our interview with Brandon and Amanda, click play on the player below.

Amanda and Brandon Neely

It’s collateral to grow your business

Amanda and Brandon Neely         Amanda and Brandon Neely        
It’s collateral to grow your business           It’s collateral to grow your business          
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